In the middle of the day...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Palo Alto Street Fair... Glorified Garage Sale?

My restful weekend fell short as I woke up to the sounds of a commotion outside. Yawn.. tents... What are tents doing outside my window? Oh no, another street fair filled with antiques, moldy carvings and glassware... Not to mention deep fried calamari, garlic fries, kettle corn and all that junk food which they normally charge 7$ for.. ugh..

Looks like a Miami doesnt it.

You can see my apartment window on the third floor....

See? Why on earth would you buy this from a street fair? To scare kids of your yard?

I couldve sworn this thing looks like it came from an Evil Dead movie..

Lots of stuff you can buy and build from garage sales....

After building them, you can sell them on garage sales again...

Creepy pixies... Look at that witch on the corner..

Who buys this crap?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

This is a picture I've been saving for awhile..

You're seeing this right, this was taken in the Muni (underground transport for this who dont know what the Muni is) station in the Castro District. For those of you who are not familiar with San Francisco, the Castro district is very famous for being the popular area for gay festivities, guys in leather shorts and drag queens during Halloween. The ad on the right is an ad for, the one on the left is the movie ad for Bad Boys II..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

South Park : Celebrities weekend

Geez this is really funny.. Didnt realize those 2 gues from Colorado can really go far.... Its South Park 2 episodes of Celebrities this weekend...

[Cartman's house, morning. A cock crows. Cartman, asleep, stretches and wakes up, then glances to his left.]
Cartman: EHAGH! [next to him is Ben Affleck, naked and relaxed] Moooooommmm! [Ben wakes up]
Liane: [enters with a cup of coffee abd wearing a green robe] What is it, sweetie?
Cartman: Ben Affleck is naked in my bed!
Liane: Oooo, looks like the tooth fairy was extra-happy with youuu. [backs out of the room and closes the door.]
"Jennifer Lopez": Buenos días, my love.
Ben: Good morning, baby.
Cartman: You have to get out of here! Jennifer Lopez is gonna kick my ass again!
"Jennifer Lopez": He's not going anywhere! Ben and I were up all night making love.
Cartman: What? Oh- AWWW! [wipes his hand off on his Williken bears pajamas] Ben Affleck's spooge!!
Ben: Should we tell him the news?
Cartman: What news?
"Jennifer Lopez": I think we should tell him.
Ben: It's S'aright?
Cartman: S'aright.
"Jennifer Lopez": S'aright.
Ben: We're getting married!!
Cartman: Oh, balls!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

What is it with this Wanta Fanta thing??

Is it just me or is this jingle really annoying? It doesnt make me want to buy or drink a soda. All the appeal it seems to throw are 4 girls in band outfits running around the hospital and inside a crowded bus. Hmm did'nt realize this sugar-loaded fizz drink was made by the Coca-Cola corporation. Ugh... And I always thought bigger companies hire more creative people...

At least the Bridgestone jingle sounds better...
'And the wheel... goes round... and round...' Just no idea how sex sells tires...